For many years plumbers would set faucets and drains onto fixtures with little concern about the plumbers putty staining the fixture. However, the recent popularity of natural or, porous materials raised concerns about the oils used in plumbers putty penetrating many of the popular materials and causing ugly staining. Many of the manufacturers specified that plumbers putty was not to be used and that RTV Silicone based adhesive caulks such as GE Silicone II Kitchen and Bath Adhesive Sealant should be used to set the faucets and drains on these surfaces.
Update: Hercules Chemical has been merged with Oatey Supply Chain Services and Hercules Sta Put Ultra is now available as Oatey Sta Put Ultra under the Oatey brand name.
The problem was that not all plumbers like to use the RTV Silicone based adhesive caulks. Many felt that they either stuck too well or not good enough where they may either firmly glue a faucet or drain in place making future replacement very difficult or, it would not stick well enough and the caulk would peel away allowing leaks to form. Often preparing the surface for adhesion would require the use of solvents such as denatured alcohol and other solvents to clean it hoping to improve adhesion.
This was a subject of much debate among plumbers and there was no good answer. Staining an expensive custom granite countertop was not an option and the repair plumbers were whining about how hard it was to remove a faucet or drain that had been glued in with RTV Silicone based adhesive caulk.
Hercules Sta Put® Ultra™ Plumbers Putty is used the same as any other plumber’s putty just mold it where you want it and set the fixture. It stays permanently soft and is easy to mold. Sta Put Ultra does not dry out crumble or shrink, and it is easy to clean up because it does not leave a greasy residue on hands and surfaces. Hercules Sta Put® Ultra™ Plumbers Putty meets or exceeds Federal Specification A-A-3110 (formerly TT-P-1536A).
The debate of Plumber’s Putty or, RTV Silicone Adhesive Caulk has entered a new era with the introduction of Hercules Sta Put® Ultra™ Plumbers Putty.
If you have any questions or need additional information please leave a comment and I will reply.