Installing a dishwasher water line is a relatively easy task that requires only a screwdriver and a small adjustable wrench as long as there is already an existing hot water stop valve under the kitchen sink for your use.
A few years ago running a dishwasher line was a far more difficult task where you had to pick up 3/8” copper tubing, and compression fittings, and then carefully straighten it out taking care not to kink the tubing. If the tubing were to kink the entire line would be no good, as it would end up leaking at the kink. Not long ago braided stainless steel supply lines became widely available and they are by far the best way to connect dishwashers available. They are available in varying lengths and some even come with a variety of adapters for making connections to the solenoid valve on the dishwasher. If you have a 3/8” compression connection already installed on the dishwasher you will not need these adapters but in some cases new dishwashers do not have the adapter installed in which case you will need them. If you do need to install an adapter the ones that use pipe thread, which is a connection that doesn’t seal with a rubber washer will require the use of Teflon tape and Teflon paste on the threaded connection to seal it and prevent leaks.
Selection of the stainless steel braided connector is pretty easy just measure to make sure that you are buying one long enough to reach. If you require a longer length you can join two together by buying a 3/8” compression union and discard the nuts and ferrules. I advise against using the Watts FloodSafe supply lines but the Watts Quick’N Easy are okay. The Watts FloodSafe supply lines have a valve which is supposed to close preventing floods when the stainless braided hoses burst but has proven to be prone to nuisance trips and some have had connection failures.