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Buderus Logano GA124 Gas Boiler Review

The Buderus Logano GA124 Gas Boiler is a sealed combustion boiler, which means it uses out side air for combustion instead of taking heated air from the home. The Buderus Logano GA124 Gas Boiler is available in three models which have heating capacities ranging from 59,000 to 104,000 BTU/Hr with efficiencies between 85 and 85.2% AFUE making them Energy Star rated. Having the Energy Star rating is important because it signifies the boiler meets standards of efficiency and makes it so you can receive a variety of Rebates, Grants, and Tax Credits for installing it. The Buderus Logano GA124 gas boilers are eligible for up to a $200 Rebate under the Appliance Stimulus Package, a Grant up to $6500 under the Weatherization Assistance Program if you qualify, and Income Tax Credit of 30% of the money you spend to have a Buderus Logano GA124 Gas Boiler installed in your home up to $1500. These “Free Money Programs” can greatly offset the cost of having a boiler upgrade and have you reaping the energy savings benefits sooner.

Buderus started as a manufacturer of cast iron goods in Germany about 1731, and by 1835 they had expanded to five foundries and were well know for their stoves, which were known as “Long Burners.” Today they are part of the Bosch Group and have a worldwide presence and in over fifty countries. Today Buderus has product lines including Solar Energy, Geothermal Heat Pumps, Wood Fuel Burners, and Gas and Oil Burners. Their US headquarters is located in Londonderry, N.H. and their main product lines in North America include: hot water boilers, domestic hot water storage tanks, climate and energy controls, panel radiators, and other hot water heating accessories. Buderus is widely recognized as a high-end manufacturer of heating products.

Buderus Indirect Domestic Hot Water Tank

The Buderus Logano GA124 Gas Boiler has a cast iron boiler cast from a proprietary Buderus GL-180M cast iron that is flexible and is highly resistant to thermal shock from temperature change and is also very corrosion resistant. The sections of the boiler are joined using beveled steel nipples that are press fit for a long leak free life. The GA124 is supplied ready to use with Natural Gas but may be converted to fire on LP Gas with a conversion kit from Buderus. The Logano GA124 is supplied with an insulated jacket, screw in leveling feet, aquastat, supply manifold, 30-PSI relief valve, boiler drain, temperature pressure gauge, and a through the wall horizontal vent kit. Options for the Buderus Logano GA124 Gas Boiler include a circulation pump, a vertical flue kit, and cleaning brush. You may also elect to have the Buderus Logano GA124 installed with the Logamatic 2107 control, which is a microprocessor based control that will give you even higher savings and comfort while controlling boiler functions such as domestic hot water, heating, day/night setback, vacation mode and even summer winter changeover among the functions it controls. Logano GA124 Gas Boiler does not have a domestic hot water coil but when installed with a Buderus Indirect Hot Water Tank will supply you with abundant hot water in a tank that can be installed stacked with the Logano GA124 Gas Boiler to have a small system footprint. The Indirect Tank is available in a variety of horizontal and vertical models allowing flexibility in your installation. The Buderus Logano GA124 Gas Boiler has a One-Year Warranty on the boiler followed with a Lifetime-Warranty on the heat exchanger, which is pro-rated after 10 years.

Buderus Logamatic Control

The Buderus Logano GA124 is an excellent choice to take advantage of Free Money and to start saving on your energy usage.